The Home + Workshop First Aid Chest is made for injuries, both serious and not-so-serious, that happen around the house. WIth the EZ Care First Aid System®, all the supplies are packed into injury-specific pouches with included quick-reference instructions so that anyone can quickly and confidently provide first aid.
EZ Care First Aid System®
Supplies organized by type of injury.
Fast & Effective First Aid
Easy Instructions right on the pouch.
Hard plastic case
Keeps contents protected.
Gauze pads, tape and other supplies to stop bleeding
Bleeding wounds are the most common injuries in the workshop. The Easy Care Home + Workshop kit contains supplies and instructions to stop bleeding.
Easy Access Bandages™
Contains Easy Access Bandages™ with fast and easy application and less contamination risk.
Supply List
Cuts & Scrapes
15 - Bandage, Adhesive, Plastic, 3/4" x 3"
15 - Bandage, Adhesive, Plastic, 3/8" x 1 1/2"
8 - Bandage, Adhesive, Plastic, 1" x 3"
2 - Bandage, Adhesive, Fabric, Knuckle
2 - Bandage, Adhesive, Plastic, Spot, 7/8" x 7/8"
2 - Bandage, Adhesive, Fabric, Elbow/Knee
15 - Antiseptic Towelette
3 - Triple Antibiotic Ointment 0.5g
2 - Butterfly Wound Closure
Blister, Splinters & Stings
3 - Assorted Safety Pins
4 - Insect Sting Relief Pad
1 - Moleskin
Bleeding, Wounds & Burns
1 - Non-Adherent Pad 2" x 3"
2 - Burn Cream 0.9g
10 - Cotton Tipped Applicator
3 - Sterile Gauze Pad 2" x 2"
3 - Sterile Gauze Pad 3" x 3"
2 - Roller Gauze Bandage 2" x 4.1 yds
1 - First Aid Tape 1/2" x 2.5 yds
1 - Combine Pad 5" x 9"
2 - Medical Grade Gloves
CPR & Shock
1 - CPR Breathing Barrier
1 - Emergency First Aid Guide
We reserve the right to add, substitute, or delete items if necessary
Please note: Some medications may not be available in products sold outside of the US, additional items may be substituted.